Sponsor a Scout

“It is our collective and individual responsibility…to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.” – Dalai Lama

Begin your journey

Photo Credit: Conservation South Luangwa

Join the Anti-Poaching Solution

Protect wildlife by supporting the scouts that fight poaching every day.

One of our ongoing projects is supporting anti-poaching operations with Conservation South Luangwa. Over the years, we’ve contributed funding to support the purchasing of new scout equipment, help offset costs of patrols, and support the funding of refresher and advanced scout training, amongst other projects that keep anti-poaching operations prospering and wildlife safe from the hands of poachers.

scout program dazzle africa zambia

Janet Sakala – Conservation South Luangwa Scout

Why is this project important?

The impactful quote below from Benson Kaneymbo, Law Enforcement Advisor for Conservation South Luangwa proves just how important of a role scouts play im South Luangwa, Zambia: 

“COVID-19 will devastate the communities living around our National Park, and we want to play our part in reducing its movement and transmission. Our dedicated scouts have continued their work as our anti-poaching activities have been affected by this current situation. Poachers are taking chances under the assumption that we have scaled down our security. Now is the time to support the scouts at the forefront of the war against wildlife crime and end the consumptive use of wildlife products. You can help keep wildlife in the wild without leaving home.”

How to Support a Scout:

As Benson so eloquently stated, now is the time to support the scouts. We invite you to join us in protecting wildlife and supporting the livelihoods of Zambian scouts. 

Dazzle supporters can participate in two scout support programs to support Conservation South Luangwa’s K9 unit and scout operations. 

K9 Unit Sponsorship:

Donors can support CSL’s anti-poaching K9 unit, made up of 5 working dogs and 9 highly-trained specialist handlers. Learn more about the unit here.

In celebration of the unit’s 10th anniversary in 2024, sponsors will receive the following benefits:

K9 Patron – $500/year

  • An opportunity to meet the K9 team in person during a trip to South Luangwa
  • Special Dazzling bonus – Access to monthly Dazzle supporter webinars
  • All perks listed below

K9 Protector – $200/year

  • An annual virtual tour of the kennels
  • All perks listed below

K9 Partner – $100/year

  • A certificate, photograph and bio sheet of your chosen dog
  • Quarterly email updates from the K9 Unit with behind-the-scenes content
  • Recognition in CSL’s Annual Report

How to Support the K9 Unit?

  •  Click HERE and select the appropriate donation amount. (Venmo @dazzleafrica, or by check, 11700 West Charleston Blvd. 170-66, Las Vegas, NV 89135)
  • Note “K9 Unit Support” when submitting your donation.

Scout Sponsorship:

You can also join our mission to help fund the operations for 58 full-time scouts to help defend against poaching.

How will your $100 be used each month?

  •  Anti-poaching resources like food rations while on patrol
  •  Anti-poaching refresher trainings
  •  Fuel to help them get to remote areas 
  •  Equipment like boots, socks and jackets

In return, you’ll receive:

  •  A photo and short bio of your sponsored scout
  •  Feeling of making a difference – you are directly contributing to saving wildlife
  •  Monthly updates on anti-poaching progress in South Luangwa

How to Support a Scout?

  •  Click HERE and select $100 to recur monthly for at least one year. (Venmo @dazzleafrica, or by check, 11700 West Charleston Blvd. 170-66, Las Vegas, NV 89135)
  •  Note “In honor of a scout” in the “Honoree’s Name” section of the dedication if using our website.

What are you waiting for?

Photo Credit: Cathy Smith