“My first Dazzle Africa safari changed how I think of going on safari. Most photo safari tourism is good for the local economy and for the wildlife, but Dazzle Africa takes it to another level. I was so blown away to see how integrated with the village Dazzle staff/volunteers are. On safari, I got to see projects that my safari dollars helped fund, meet interesting and impactful people who are working hard to protect the wildlife in South Luangwa, and even hang out with a gaggle of super smiley school kids! I also found that during the time leading up to the trip, Dazzle Africa tended to all the tiny details that made the trip a breeze to go on. They are super personal. I said in the first sentence that my first Dazzle safari changed how I think of going on safari. I said “first” because there was a second, and there will be many more!”
-Mike Paredes